SVIMISA SPA has obtained the ISO Certification 45001:2018
Svimisa Spa obtained in February 2021, among the very first companies in the mining sector, ISO Certification 45001:2018
which represents exceeding the previous OHSAS 18001.
The ISO 45001:2018 is an international norm : Occupational health and safety management Systems-
Requirements with guidance for use, in Italian ” Management systems for health and safety at work- Requirements and guide for use.
Operating in a safe and healthy working environment, in full compliance with the laws and the surrounding environment,
but even more than people, has always been an essential value and of absolute and priority importance in SVIMISA SPA:
ISO certification 45001:2018 it is therefore a recognition of the efforts that everyone has put in place and the guarantee that we will continue in the same direction
The President