The mine is set into a powerful Sandy formation (about 40 m) in the countryside of the TOWN of Ardara (SS). This training is part of a sedimentary succession in which alternating carbonate deposits and silico-clastic.
The composition of the sands of Ardara is quartz-feldspatica, with Orthoclase and quartz and plagioclase albitico prevalent subject. In fines is montmorillonite and illite-kaolinite.
The deposit has considerable compositional homogeneity mineralogicamente with proven reserves for over 10 million tonnes. Cultivation takes place under the open sky for gradonatura, After killing the sterile soil with the use of explosives.
The sand extracted is subjected to a preliminary dry granulometric classification from which you get a sottovaglio product rich feldspathic and clay fractions that mixed the product appropriately MFTV.
The hamlets of sopravaglio are taken to a modern classification and washing plant for the production of a high-quality quartz sand-low feldspatica iron (OZ20) used for production of ceramic bodies of technical porcelain tiles. By filtropressatura of fines you get a Bentonite (Sprinklers K80) containing high percentages of sodium smectitis.